Privacy policy
Due to the new data protection regulation EU Regulation 2016/679 (EU's common data legislation, GDPR, General Data Protection Regulation) that comes into force on May 25, 2018, this data protection policy is established for Pharmaxim AB.
We hold personal data about our employees, customers, suppliers and other individuals for various business purposes. This policy describes how we protect personal data and ensure that personal data is handled correctly.
The company's activities
The company is mainly engaged in the distribution and sale of veterinary medicines, non-prescription human medicines, agricultural products and consumer durables for the retail sector.
Data protection history
At the time of writing this policy, the company has never experienced a data breach or personal data leakage.
This policy applies to all Pharmaxim's staff.
The company stores personal data, based on the General Data Protection Regulation Chapter 6, in order to fulfill contracts to which the data subject is a party.
The processing of all personal data must be necessary to deliver our services, we must have a legitimate need and not unduly harm the integrity of the individual.
Pharmaxim has a number of functions that individually and jointly ensure that we handle this correctly internally.
Pharmaxim's data protection officer is responsible, among other things, for
- Keeping the Board updated on data protection responsibilities, risks and issues.
- Regularly review all data protection procedures and policies.
- Arranging data protection training and counseling for the employees covered by this policy.
- Answering questions on data protection from staff, board members and other stakeholders
- To respond to customers, suppliers, stakeholders and employees who want to know what data is held about them by the company.
Our IT manager is responsible for
- all systems, services, programs and equipment meet current security standards
- in cooperation with our external hardware and network provider, check and scan security hardware and software regularly to ensure it is working properly.
- examine on the basis of this policy any third party services that the company is considering using to store or process data.
- finally, checking and approving third parties handling the company's data, contracts or data processing agreements.
The Marketing Coordinator is responsible for
materials used for marketing purposes fully meet the requirements of our policy and the GDPR.
Personal data processed by the company
The Company processes personal data from the following:
- current and former customers
- current and former suppliers
- current and former employees
- job seekers
- banks, leasing companies
- current and former consultants
- current and former carriers
- authorities
These data are managed in the company in the following media
- business and payroll systems
- servers containing email and outlook contacts
- Paper format in locked space
- Outside Sweden through external consulting companies for payroll and human resources management.
- The personal data contained in each medium has been identified.
Personal data means
- Data on identifiable persons, such as job applicants, current and former employees, agency, contract and other staff, customers, suppliers, carriers and marketing contacts.
Personal data we collect may include: individual's contact details, educational background, financial and salary data, details of certificates and diplomas, education and skills, marital status, nationality, job title, correspondence and CV.
Sensitive personal data means
- Personal data concerning individuals' racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or similar beliefs, trade union membership (or non-membership), physical or mental health or condition, recollection, criminal offenses or related proceedings - any use of sensitive personal data should be strictly controlled in accordance with this policy.
In the category 'sensitive personal data', the company only handles union membership and health as these are used for salary setting via union negotiations and sick pay.
Personal data in unstructured material
The personal data that the company handles in unstructured material is e-mail. The Data Inspectorate considers that personal data of a non-sensitive nature in ordinary e-mail correspondence between colleagues and other everyday messages does not require a third party to be informed.
All emails are always sent TLS encrypted in Microsoft Office Outlook. If the company receives e-mail containing sensitive personal data, an assessment is made of whether the data needs to be preserved and only then is it transferred to the intended digital files and the e-mail is always deleted.
Consent requirements
Based on the non-sensitive personal data that the company registers on customer and supplier contacts, it is sufficient under the Regulation to inform those concerned that we have the data registered and that they can access it. Direct consent is currently not required.
The company has updated its customer and supplier registers with current contact details and in connection with this has sent out e-mails.
Storage of data
- In cases where data is stored on printed paper, it is kept in a secure place where unauthorized persons cannot access it.
- Printed data shall be destroyed in dedicated containers when no longer needed.
- At Pharmaxim, data stored is always protected by strong passwords that are regularly changed.
- Data stored on CDs or memory sticks are locked away when not in use.
- Cloud services used meet the company's requirements for secure and encrypted processing of personal data.
- All servers containing sensitive data are approved and protected by security software and strong firewalls.
Gall ring
Authorities require the company to save data for at least 7 years after the closing date and Pharmaxim has adapted its procedures to this. Customer register, supplier register and e-mail are thus deleted the year after the 7-year interval.
Personal data breaches
Pharmaxim takes relevant measures in advance to minimize the risk of data breaches. This includes minimizing the amount of information stored, minimizing the storage time and encrypted storage. In case Pharmaxim is exposed to a data breach, the incident should be documented. If the incident entails risks to the rights and freedoms of individuals, the incident must be reported to the supervisory authority within 72 hours. If the incident may lead to serious risks to individuals, the data subjects must also be informed. For this purpose, the company has developed a separate procedure.
At Pharmaxim, all employees have the knowledge and obligation to report actual or potential data protection errors.
(SE) Processing of personal data
Pharmaxim AB (556651-2298) uses the information you voluntarily provide to us when you register for future contact with you. Personal data may be shared with other parties if this is required by legislation or legal processes.
The personal data used can be name, telephone number, e-mail address, address, date of birth and other information that counts as personal data. Personal data is stored for up to eight (8) years.
Your consent to the storage of personal data in accordance with this policy is valid until you choose to withdraw your consent. When you choose to withdraw your consent, your personal data will be anonymized, unless legislation or legal processes require Pharmaxim to continue storing your data.
Once a year you have the right to request, free of charge, information about which personal data of yours Pharmaxim AB has stored. This request is sent to
All handling of personal data is done in accordance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), Swedish legislation and recommendations from the Swedish Data Protection Authority. You can read more about this on Dataskyddsinspektionen's website.
If you have comments regarding our processing of personal data, you can contact the Swedish Data Protection Authority. For questions about the processing of personal data at Pharmaxim AB, you can contact
Pharmaxim AB (556651-2298) käsittelee tietoja, joita jät vapaaehtoisesti rekisteröitymisen tai muun yhteydenpidon yhteydessä. Henkilötietoja voidaan jakaa muiden osapuolten kanssa lain tai oikeusprosessin vaatiessa.
Käytettäviä henkilötietoja ovat nimi, puhelinnumero, sähköpostiosoite, osoite, syntymätiedot sekä muut tiedot, jotka luetaan henkilötiedoiksi. Henkilötietoja säilytetään kahdeksan (8) vuotta.
Tämän käytännön mukaista suostumustasi sovelletaan henkilötietoihisi, kunnes peruutat suostumuksesi. Kun suostumus päättyy, henkilötiedot pysyvästiaan ellei laki tai meneillään oleva oikeusprosessi vaadi, että Pharmaxim säilyttää tietoja pidempään.
You have the right to obtain information on the number of people you have secured every year. Tietoja voi pyytää sähköpostitse:
The processing of all personal data is subject to the EU's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), legislation and regulations. Voit lukea lisää tietosuojavaltuutuutetun verkkosivustolla.
Jos sinulla on huomautuksia henkilötietojen käsittelystä, ota yhteyttä tietosuojavaltuutettuun. Jos haluat kysyä Pharmaxim AB: n henkilötietojen käsittelystä, ota yhteyttä
Pharmaxim AB (556651-2298) processes your personal information that you voluntarily share with us as part of the customer relationship, by virtue of our cooperation and or other contact. Personal information may be shared with other parties if this is required by law, regulation or by court or authority decision, legal requirement or an ongoing legal process.
The personal data processed are name, telephone number, e-mail address, address, date of birth, as well as information that together or by itself constitutes personal data. Your personal data is stored for up to eight (8) years in order for your registration to continue with us.
Your consent under this Privacy Policy is valid until you withdraw your consent or deregister. When the consent automatically expires, the personal information will be permanently anonymized, unless, as a result of law, regulation or by court or authority decision, legal requirements or an ongoing legal process, Pharmaxim AB is required by this policy to keep the information longer than stated.
Once a year, you have the right to receive, free of charge, an extract of the data stored about you. You can edit the information or delete it. This can be requested via e-mail:
All handling of personal information is done in accordance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation ("GDPR" - 2016/679) and the Danish Data Protection Act, both of which will enter into force on 25 May 2018. Before this date, the processing is regulated in the current Danish Personal Data Act.
If you have complaints about our handling of personal data, you should contact the Data Protection Authority, which is the responsible regulator for privacy policy.
For other questions regarding the privacy policy of Pharmaxim AB, please send an email to
Pharmaxim AB (556651-2298) uses the personal information and the information that you voluntarily leave when you register and in further contact with us. Personal information may be shared with other parties if this is required by law, regulation or by court or authority decision, legal requirements or an ongoing legal process.
The personal information that is processed is name, phone number, e-mail address, address, birth data as well as information that together or on its own constitutes as personal information.
Personal information is stored up to eight (8) years.
Your consent according to this policy for personal information applies until you retract your consent or deregister your account. When the consent expires the personal information will be anonymized permanently, unless there follows by law, regulation or by court or authority decision, legal requirements or an ongoing legal process whereby Pharmaxim AB may store the information longer than is stated in this policy for personal information.
Once a year you have the right to free of charge get an excerpt of the information stored about you, as well as have the information corrected or deleted. This can be requested by e-mail:
All handling of personal information is done in accordance to the Swedish Data Protection Act (PUL), until it is replaced by the EU's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and equivalent Swedish legislation, as well as recommendations given by the Swedish Data Protection Authority. You can read more about these regulations on the Swedish Data Protection Authority´s web page.
If you have complaints regarding our handling of personal information you should turn to the Swedish Data Protection Authority who is the responsible regulators of privacy policy. For other questions regarding the privacy policy at Pharmaxim AB please send an e-mail to
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Pharmaxim may supplement or amend this policy through additional policies and guidelines from time to time.